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  • My Journey since 2013.. 📈

    I am Lance, a hair enthusiast from Chennai, India. I help my clientele reach their maximum length & density potential, without introducing harmful chemicals into their life & body. They feel the infusion transforms the most dehydrated hair type into a silky asset - once incorporated into their weekly hair routines as suggested. You just have to learn how.

  • Ingredients & Making 🏺🌿

    As a homegrown brand, we are passionate about sourcing 'grade A' export quality ingredients in their freshest form from different parts of the country, mostly from the hilly regions. You walk into our stock room and it is filled with this calming, irresistible aroma 24/7.

  • Why Lancemade®? 📦📦

    'Quality is the best marketing strategy'. The budget is majorly spent on ingredients & production, not on mass-marketing or promotions. We're a small niche, stocking up freshly every week, which enables us to work with our clients to their heartfelt satisfaction. We take up domestic orders & also import the formula for our beloved international clientele regularly. ❤️

  • Can you drink our oil? 🥗🍍

    Though we do not infuse our oils for culinary usage, we often spot a colony of ants marching up in a line to dine on the leftover drops in our stockroom. This is to assure you we are 'edible grade' and not a single ingredient that goes into our infusion is 'inedible' or toxic for your body. Does it help your hair grow if you toss your spaghetti with it? We can't promise. But put it on your scalp and it will! 😊 (Thanks to our FGF5 inhibiting herb extracts)


Before you begin your hair growth journey..

Decide your hair goals today.

Be it waist, tailbone, classic or knee length, setting a goal should be the first step you take in your journey. Doing so helps you reach it.

Wanting to maintain shoulder length with a thicker hemline & gloss is also a goal. It doesn't have to be just length.

Regrowth on patchy areas of hair loss is also a goal. Challenging yes, not impossible in many cases.

Goals differ, paths remain very similar.

You don't gain proper length without retaining your volume. Read it again. I will explain in a detailed post soon.

Why Lancemade®?

  • Being a formula passed down, it has worked the best for me in terms of growth rate & length maintenance over the last several years. I've used no other oil.
  • I adore my predecessors for making hair care their lifestyle, for this formula which I will keep infusing forever. ♡
  • I improved the formula before I started my business journey, but always retained its edible-grade purity.
  • In my experience, herbal infusions stimulate growth & coat lengths better compared to plain base oils, especially when they're non-heated.
  • My oiling ritual involves strictly NOT using inedible oils on my scalp. This works the best for me.
  • If you're choosing a different oil, I suggest you start with 'unprocessed' edible oils like coconut. Anything scented/colored, it's not for your scalp.
  • You can cook with it? Let it meet your scalp.

The magic oiling strategy!

First rule: I never shampoo unoiled scalp, like ever.

I call it an Indian hair growth strategy since I inherited it from my mother. I've never seen her shampooing dry scalp, let alone spend a day with dry scalp.

She's 66 and at tailbone length.

Be it overnight or just 5 minutes pre-wash, do your OILING. 'You forgot' is not an excuse to directly apply shampoo into your already dry scalp. It's a sure shot way to get flaky scalp/dandruff.

It is like ruining the base that helps you grow the healthiest strands that will age well for you. You cannot expect a lush plant from a poor soil.

My technique in 2023: I deep oil (like saturate) before my clarifying washes twice a month. But I regularly use the infusion as a leave in. This protects my hair from hygral fatigue every time. Your strands should age well if they're to reach below your tailbone without breakage.

At present, I use my own shampoo/hair wash powders that I make in my mini stock room. (Not for sale yet, we are planning to launch soon. I only want the best for my clientele)

Genetics or haircare?

I would call it an undeniable fact that some people get it easy with their genetics passed down. Here I talk about things like individual hair strand thickness and tensile strength. But even they've to care to retain their length, they only get it easier, not all easy.

If you're not genetically gifted, it's still possible to grow out long, lush hair. You need a little practice & dedication. And lots of love for your own hair.

Our hair cycles are mysterious beyond research, yet functional in every human. You just have to trigger it. You're not destined to live with bad hair. You just need to care differently.

I don't agree with the statement 'It's all genetics' which discounts the love and effort we put into a hair care lifestyle. It's a common false assumption. Pay attention to your hair, your scalp health, to your body, be on a proper routine for a year - OIL CONSISTENTLY with the right oils and most of you will actually see progress.

Clicking monthly photographs to track your progress will help you stay motivated. 📷

Hard water, the hair destroyer

If you live in a place with a hard water supply and yet with determination to grow out your hair longer, this is my second rule (next to oiling) - switch to soft water. I know for some it's impossible, please keep reading.

My hair texture has never been better after my switch. It reflects in light that people notice.

When this becomes impossible, you can always start with the 'last rinse with drinking water' rule I share with my clients. It still helps and helps a lot. I started this way and switched to soft water eventually.

I thought I was at my 'terminal length', but turns out it's only the hard water. Know your water. It plays an important role in the life of your hair.

Blood tests. When to?

I'm giving you this crucial piece of information from my personal experience: All my clientele who come to me with excessive/unusual shedding (over 150 strands) - I suggest they get their blood work done first.

Though I religiously believe in my oiling methods for they work well for me and my clients reaching their hair goals, I still want them to know their body and its nutritional requirements.

It's another important part of your hair's life & health, in your long hair journey.

In more than 80% of the cases, the shed happens with a Vitamin D3, Iron or B12 deficiency, especially if you're a vegetarian/vegan.

It is good to get the complete profile done but at least start with D3 and B12. If your body has sufficient amounts, move to the next step - hair care.

Note: This is applicable if you're experiencing excessive shed/patchy hair loss. If your diet is well and your hair is otherwise in a good condition, start your journey with the oiling methods given.

what are your hair goals?